Timelapse | Austria

Hello again. It’s been a while! In fact, since my last post I’ve been on a fabulous holiday in Austria, and I figured a couple of timelapse sequences wouldn’t go amiss 🙂

[vc_video link=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPOo9IkztYI”]

These sequences were all shot on the Nikon D90, which unfortunately doesn’t have any timelapse or intervalometer features. I ended up buying this surprisingly cheap combined timer/remote control unit from Hong Kong. It worked like a charm, and the remote control feature really helped with long exposure photos I ended up taking:

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”center” height=”600″ width=”950″]http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4132/4968707379_6b9f08d635_b.jpg[/image_frame]

This latest set of sequences has taught me a lot about timelapse photography. Specifically, I’ve found the cause of the flickering problem I’ve noticed on all my sequences. In fact, a few of the sequences I shot in Austria were so flickery I couldn’t use them. It turns out that a MUST for any timelapse photographer is a lens you can manually set the aperture on. The problem is that most modern lenses don’t actually close the aperture until the moment the photograph is taken, and there are slight variances in the timing that cause the exposure to be slightly different each time. My most successful timelapses were taken with a wide-open aperture, which isn’t prone to this problem – but there are plenty of times a smaller aperture will be desired – so a manual lens is a must!

The full set of photographs I took in Austria are available on Flickr. Enjoy!